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So_long (2D Game in C using the X11 API)

So_long was my first foray into game design, and it was an exhilarating experience! This project allowed me to dive deep into window management, event handling, and creating custom sprites and textures.

Project Overview

The goal was to develop a 2D maze game using minilibx, a straightforward X11 API that facilitates window creation and pixel drawing. In the game, players navigate a maze, collecting all collectibles and reaching the exit to win. They can move in four directions while enemies roam randomly, adding an exciting challenge.

gameplay Link to the project on GitHub

Learning Outcomes

While the game isnā€™t optimizedā€”everything is redrawn every frameā€”it provided invaluable insights into game mechanics and performance considerations. This project has set the stage for my continued exploration in game development and has equipped me with skills that I apply to more complex projects today.