hello 👁

Minishell (A Simple Shell Implementation in C)

Minishell was my deep dive into the world of shell programming and process management in Unix-like systems. This project challenged me to create a basic shell, similar to bash, implementing various features from scratch.

Project Overview

The goal was to develop a functional shell that can:

  • Display a prompt for user input
  • Handle command history
  • Execute commands (using PATH, relative, or absolute paths)
  • Manage quotes and environment variables
  • Implement redirections and pipes
  • Handle signals (ctrl-C, ctrl-D, ctrl-)
  • Include built-in commands like echo, cd, pwd, export, unset, env, and exit

Link to the project on GitHub

Learning Outcomes

This project was a fantastic opportunity to understand the intricacies of process creation, file descriptors, and command interpretation. While my implementation might not be as optimized as professional shells, it provided invaluable insights into:

  • Process management using fork(), execve(), and wait()
  • File descriptor manipulation for redirections and pipes
  • Signal handling in a multi-process environment
  • Parsing and interpreting command-line arguments
  • Managing environment variables

Minishell has significantly deepened my understanding of how shells and command-line interfaces work under the hood. The skills I’ve gained here are directly applicable to more complex system programming projects and have given me a newfound appreciation for the tools we use daily in software development.